Monday, November 16, 2015

Intro- Jim Bailey

Howdy cowpokes! Old hack here checking in from San Antonio. I've been slopping paint on models since about 1980. Grenadier D&D stuff, then Battletech, then Citadel. I spent a few years touring the US Warhammer tournament scene in the first part of this century and won a bunch of army painting awards, but mostly because I bribed the judges. That spread in white Dwarf only cost me a six pack of Lone Star beer! A few years back I started up a design studio called Grindhouse Games and did a lot of painting for our Secrets of the Third Reich and Incursion products.

A few months ago, second ed. Kings of War dropped like a bomb. I have been fiendishly rebasing units and painting up all sorts of new stuff. I LOVE THIS GAME! I had however been uncharitable toward Mantic models in some discussions. Upon reflection, I realize that was just stupid. I've painted thousands and thousands of models over the course of my life and I should know better than anyone that any model is only as good as the guy or gal slapping the paint on it. So, I relish this challenge.

I've chosen to tackle the Mantic Werewolves (Lycans to ally with my Elves in this case) for two reasons. One: they are oft maligned and I want to see what I can do with them. Two: I really love werewolves :-).

Here are some not so awesome (since I'm a hack) paint jobs I did of werewolves for the rulebook and West Wind catalog as I was developing Secrets of the Third Reich. These are sculpted by Andy Cooper.

And here is the Blitzhund I designed for my company Grindhouse Games. This one wasn't painted by me but I'm sharing it to show how much I love werewolves :-)

The Mantic werewolves are out of stock at Mantic and seemingly everywhere in the USA. Ordered a couple of packs from a seller in the UK a couple of weeks ago. Should be hitting my mailbox any day. Can't wait to get started!

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